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Major Updates! - 13th March, 2017

Community Decision  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Time for us to make something our own and keep growing as a community?

    • NO WAY, keep the name CS-Frag!
    • New name for the community!

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We are no longer EUFrag!?


This time, we got some big news ahead! And we are hoping to have YOUR opinion of making the future decisions for our community!

How long is it when we first met you on the EUFrag servers? How many of you are still here, having fun, keeping up the legacy?

Who would have ever thought of us keeping it up for such a long time? We thought if it would be finally the day, to finally make something on our own,

and let the past go and finally move on. Not everyone might feel like the same, that we're still so dependent of our past, and of course it's also a good thing.

That's why we're asking you to come up with any name you like, that would have the potential to be the new community name. Write them in comments!


We have already done cleaning our current admin team, unfortunately saying goodbye for the admins that has no more enough time to put their effort moderating the servers.

And that for, we need experienced volunteers, to keep up the good and fair game-play in our servers. We will announce of the open admin applications later this month, with detailed information, where the help is the most needed. Shout-out for @VaNsTeR as the new community Global Admin, and also for @-<SAXI>- & @XoOM =D still finding their suitable position in the team! And huge thanks for the admins we have in the past! You guys won't be never forgotten! Look up for the staff page later :)


Polls, topics and all those discussions made out of expanding the community into games, this time it's time to make it real! Still to remind, we do have SurF RPG

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server running for months already. And last poll you voted for Zombie Escape server to be the next new rising start.

Unfortunately, we didn't manage to finish the server with this long schedule, due missing some essential and necessary plugins, to give the players the best first touch of the server!

But looking the current situation, we might have to open the server without those plugins, and look afterwards what's there to do for. We have the idea of reducing the total amount of CS:GO and CS:S servers, to get more space for the new potential servers, for currently popular video games. To actually make this happen this time.. we have prepared to get each server its own server manager. So all the hard work maintaining and updating the servers wont be left mostly up for only one person!


And finally, just few things that we are really pleasant to implement! Member skins! For now members only have gotten the ultra special, rare, "cool" and colorful

"Member" in-game tag, which is kinda not worth it at all. So having unique skin for the members would be something. We'll be making the poll in the next coming announcement

along opening admin applications. And there is gonna be a lot more to talk about, our social media pages, cleaning up the forums for the new refreshing begin..

Don't be shy to comment, or telling your thoughts! We would respect that! For now, we will talk to you again in the next week!

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Shouldn't there be a revote option? At the end some of us might come to a logical conlusion and other might want to rethink what they've done. This is a really big step for the community so I suggest to not vote without thinking it twice and hearing others opinions too.

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I just have 2 word's for what you have done with this community.. Amasing work.
I'm really proud to be a part of this community as Admin or not! I've always enjoyed my stay here and i even grown my own clan in this awsome zm mode server... 
Every donation i've given has been with proudness for the sake of Cs-frag and more i will give to keep Cs-frag going forward.  I have to say i like the name Cs-frag very much but i'm always for " changes and upgrades"
But i'm sorry but i have no thoughts of an new name for the community :cwy: If i come up with something i will let you know! 
i'm really excited about this change and i can't wait to see it grow more !

Post your opinion Cs-frag members!!!! 



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I've been in this community for a long time and I am proud of it! I would like to say that this community is not the biggest one but we are still strong and we are family. You guys should definetly open servers in some other games , so our community would grow up. Also Minigames and Surf must be closed , since the servers are kinda dead lately and for name I will suggest eu-community or  ctrike-organisation. I hope that some of the old players will find more time to play so we can have fun . Regards,DeMoN.

P.S. My English level is b2 :kappa: don't blame me for mistakes.

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ohhhhhh I can't wait anymore for Admin Applications but I must wait somemore ! New name I think the best one will be EUFrag-Games.com ot EUFrag.com and the last one EUFrag-Agents.com I am sure most of you understood so if there is EUFrag in the new name most of the old guys will come back !? I agree with DeMoN that Surf RPG and Minigame have to be restored I mean in Surf new RPG reset every 6 months new VIP features in |Minigame whatever Administrators want except delete and POINTS please don't think about deleting them in any of the servers ! I am proud to be part of this community but I hope to return the old EUFrag name also I hope to see mysel as a part of the Staff I am a volunteer to be an admin in Zombie Escape or Zombie Mod I have a lot of ideas but I will share them in my Admin Application if Calig open it soon ! 


Best wishes !!! <3 EUFrag forever !!!:partypopper::kermit::balloon:

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It is really cool that You are working on new things and You are listening to all of our opinions.

Here is mine. I think that this change will be for good, but maybe we should go back to the good (g)old name 'EUFrag'

I would be extremely happy to see this community that turned into my family to develop in other games as well.

I wish You luck and i hope that the right choice will be made. 

Oh and also i will pray for the Surf RPG because it will be a big loss for all the surf rpg lovers if it gets closed. 


P.S. Whatever happens ily all :balloon:

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Generally all thank to owners you all already doing a great job and we appreciate that :heart:


And i want to express my opinions as an old member on this community, i just noticed most of members voted Eufrag for return of the old name, because they see when the forum had cs-frag its almost the whole servers died... and i know the forum currently is kinda AFK and will becoming better than old.


I got other thing i just want to say the CSS its an awesome game and its helping the community to grow up, first it has a lot of players second you can playing a many hours on it without feeling bored and same what i said for CS:GO which means if we see servers on those games would be great idea.

and actually i only play on Zombie Mod server almost and I'm playing on it from 4 years ago until now, Cs-frag ZM server its the only reason that makes me play CSS, so i hope the server will be open for long time.

I got one more question if you can make the css servers for steam users? if that possible, its really would be a great idea as well!

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15 hours ago, Hichem said:

Generally all thank to owners you all already doing a great job and we appreciate that :heart:


And i want to express my opinions as an old member on this community, i just noticed most of members voted Eufrag for return of the old name, because they see when the forum had cs-frag its almost the whole servers died... and i know the forum currently is kinda AFK and will becoming better than old.


I got other thing i just want to say the CSS its an awesome game and its helping the community to grow up, first it has a lot of players second you can playing a many hours on it without feeling bored and same what i said for CS:GO which means if we see servers on those games would be great idea.

and actually i only play on Zombie Mod server almost and I'm playing on it from 4 years ago until now, Cs-frag ZM server its the only reason that makes me play CSS, so i hope the server will be open for long time.

I got one more question if you can make the css servers for steam users? if that possible, its really would be a great idea as well!

Totally Agreed :)^_^ :KappaPride:

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:kermit:To be honest I don't mind the name change unless it's promoting something like a movie or fandom..

Still it could get confussed for people who aren't known to the forums, it could lead to misconception.


*cough* vanster kys 

Edited by Harue
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I am proud to be part of this community and I have enjoyed my time here, also met great people and made great friends. But I honestly don't think you owners should change the name, cuz CS-Frag is a classic resembler of what this community really is. I and also other members will find it hard to call the community something else. It was a big change when EuFrag became CS-Frag, and now there's no need for a even bigger change. So keep the old one! 

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I think it's time to change the server... This isn't eufrag anymore and that's not necessarily bad. Eufrag died years ago and we saw it die. I don't think anyone actually misses Eufrag itself, we just miss the community, which was an amazing community and very active. Who misses the lack of admins, new maps, new plugins, new features, events...? I simply don't. Fortunately, quite a lot of people tried to bring the community back with csfrag and actually managed to keep it working.


I missed this last year completely; I have no idea about what happened, but the servers are dead, so dead... It's obvious that many people just quit playing this game and it's normal. But there's something wrong here... No one else comes. So maybe it's the right time to make a push and keep changing how things are done for the sake of what's left of it, at least.


I would start by figuring out how to manage the new server as a community in the very first place. Make new people stay, make the old ones stay... Old eufrag was a dieing, unmaintained server, with Calig alone with barely any admin powers, but people still kept playing there.


Possibly half of what I said is wrong, so that is my one cent... Hope it helps.




- Don't ever remove xoom's admin

- Count me in if you need more people to mute all russian kids.

Now that I re-read, maybe the key to success is not having any admins?



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About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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