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About XoOM =D

  • Birthday 07/27/1998

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  1. after reading all those bunch of words , i came to a conclusion that i was never wrong "IT STILL CALIG'S FAULT" after all
  2. Happy B-Day Man! ;)

  3. Happy birthday!

    1. XoOM =D

      XoOM =D

      Thanks Tariq <3

  4. Happy Birthday <3

  5. Happy Birthday! :kermit: NikMok :kappa:

  6. Happy B-Day M8 :heart::pepeD: 

  7. Haaaaaappy  Birthday  <3

  8. Congrats @abody Sorry for being late , i wish you long happy life with your soulmate and May Allah bless you with pious children
  9. believe me i was going to talk to you @SnoWolf about that the first time i saw it but i knew you were busy doing some dirty shit but srsly which kind of games you are playing to name it like that xD
  10. Happy Birthday

    1. XoOM =D

      XoOM =D

      Thanks Bro <3


  11. i was just looking into the post then wait , What !!!!! Minecraft ! ??? i bet on my virginity it was Snowolf's idea
  12. Happy Birthday My cat :lol:


About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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