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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hichem

  1. Congrats mate, wish you the best for new life
  2. Happy Birthday Faggot! :)

    1. DeMoN


      Tnx faggot <3 

  3. Happy birthday :KappaPride:

  4. Happy B'Day :KappaPride:

    1. -<SAXI>-


      Thank you my lova <3

  5. MG Events are awesome we are always having fun there... especially DODGEBALL and POLAE PANIC maps that we played by 2nd Cs-Frag Anniversary
  6. Happy B'Day! :kermit:

    1. h1dden


      Ty,  hichem ^^

  7. Happy Birthday neon :P

    1. N3ON47


      Thank you my friend. :kermit:

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy B'Day! :partypopper:

  10. Happy B-Day! :P

  11. Happy B'Day:balloon:

    1. SYED


      Thank you hic! ;)

  12. A nice fag friend, Happy B'Day :KappaPride:

  13. it was an awesome events "the best ever" I have canceled my half vacation because of it xD I would like to thank every person who joined us! and I hope to see more events like it later.
  14. Happy B-day :partypopper:

    1. Resh


      Thanks Hichem!


  15. Happy Bday, obicham to lady :P

    1. ameer4


      thank you hichem for help me and not for gagged lol


About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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