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Removing some of the maps.


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Hello CS-Frag.So I will make a small list of maps that should be removed.Thanks to @amy_1702 we played most of the maps in our server and we decide which are good and which are not. My suggestion is to you guys to tell your opinion and also tell me which maps you don't like and you think that should be removed. Also you may suggest some new maps in this topic ;). Have a great day !






Edited by DeMoN
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I agree some maps are not very good but I don't think any should be removed, some people might like maps which others don't. Also reducing map pool is generally not a good idea since less maps = more monotone gameplay / less variety.

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1 minute ago, N3ON47 said:

I agree some maps are not very good but I don't think any should be removed, some people might like maps which others don't. Also reducing map pool is generally not a good idea since less maps = more monotone gameplay / less variety.

That's why we will add some new maps in the server.This topic is not only for removing but also for suggesting maps.

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Not agree, please don't ever remove salon moon and roy the ship......for me roy the ship is one of its kind, the ship and boat....the battle is good, but some players thinks its not competitive because they get infected easily......salon moon map is unique one in zombie mod....night maps always looks awesome and gives the terror on zombie attack.....trust me brothers, my hearty request to not remove any map and let all test the maps....new players are experimenting the new maps.......mostly we play the repeated maps, only few times we get these rare maps on  voting......bring new maps......zm unpanic that you want to remove is also nice map....wtf ....why wanna remove that good map.....secret place to hide......hmmmm im dissapointed on this list, its sentiment for me and i believe for some...because we met our friends on these maps...

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4 minutes ago, -- said:




I can agree on this maps to be removed. But the rest stay's! 


Also zm_blockfort_v3_1 bro.This map really really sucks...

p.s As well as zm_lockdown . It has only 1 good place + The map is small and zombie sided at all.

Edited by DeMoN
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