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New PC Specs AMD


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Sooooo it finally happened. Im done with nvidia and i moved to amd and i have to say.. IM MORE THEN IMPRESSED! I installed my Radeon RX 480 and its more then awesome. Playing Battlefield 1 on Ultra is tottaly insane! Yeah i know my psu is old fuck off pimp xD



I also bought myself an SSD Samsung 850 Evo.




And finally a Cooler which i reaaally needed since mine is pretty old. Cannot take the risk of my pc getting exploded xD.



Im more then Happy with my Current Set Up but tho i wanted to get the GTX 1080 but not enough money... 800 € is waaayyy to expensive.

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Welcome to the masterrace :P


Everything looks fine. But as Harue gently tried to show you with his hidden messages: CLEAN YOUR TOWER BRO :cheerful:

Every 6 Months you should clean it and the coolers from dust and dirt.

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9 hours ago, Tariq said:

Welcome to the masterrace :P


Everything looks fine. But as Harue gently tried to show you with his hidden messages: CLEAN YOUR TOWER BRO :cheerful:

Every 6 Months you should clean it and the coolers from dust and dirt.


:kappa: Unless you get tempered glass with mulltiple dust filters on your case, then it's twice a month.

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  • 7 months later...
On 16/03/2017 at 1:48 AM, Tariq said:

Welcome to the masterrace :P


Everything looks fine. But as Harue gently tried to show you with his hidden messages: CLEAN YOUR TOWER BRO :cheerful:

Every 6 Months you should clean it and the coolers from dust and dirt.

i haven't cleaned mine since 2 years lol

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