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what the fuck???


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so the thing is: i was checking gpu's all kinds to buy me one in the future
so i wanted to check the cheapestand i searched for gtx (cuz its the best) and i saw them kinds, all bids (second dealers)

most of them doesnt cost more than 20-30$ with 1 gb 
and i was this is very good so for fun and maybe cheaper i checked the GT 880 which @Harue told me about
and i was surprised that is cost (second dealer) like 40-70$ 
and i wa surprised becuz what a diffrence :o
so tell me what is ur opinion about this shit


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1 hour ago, PsychYuno said:

before buying, what kind of games do you want to play? If you can inform me I can give you a list of possibilities.

his current setup is :

processor : Pentium® Dual-Core CPU  E5400  2,70GHz 
RAM : 2,00 GB

System Type : Windows 7 32-Bit

Graphics Card : intel g41 express chipset (microsoft corporation - wddm 1.1) 


looking at what kind of games he's willing to play towards, won't help alot too. 

It's not worth to get "only" an advanced GPU, unless you want bottleneck-fest.


+ Yes, the Gpu I suggested is more expensive in his region. but if you're having a low standard pc.

It's not worth to let it even struggle with newer kind of componements like a GTX.

Edited by Harue
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On 5-8-2016 at 10:13 PM, Koray. said:

I'd suggest upgrading his RAM and and processor. atleast get an i5 with an intergrated GPU which can handle more then that crappy GPU lol


If he would like to upgrade his processor, it would go above 100euro or needs to change his whole build. :)

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