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*EpiC n00b*

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About *EpiC n00b*

  • Birthday 11/08/2016

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    Beatin' ya all.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Still waiting for Calig to post the Soccer and Zombie Riot results
  2. Damn, Calig is putting so much effort into this, shout out for you too mate! Now im so looking forward to seeing you fix the ZR server (if you are going to ofc.)
  3. Chestit rojden den!Jiv i zdrav da si :P

  4. Happy Birthday :)

  5. HAppy B-Day.... !!!

  6. Yeah destroying it with some lasers, that's what i thought as well
  7. Did your father give you a small loan of a million dollars?
  8. Its pretty simple. Tell a story - with your family or friends, on a summer camp or at the seaside. Even if it is not real, show us your imagination.
  9. I've got more hair on my balls than on my head... I mean not at all. Q: Spit or swallow?
  10. A: No, everyone hates Itachi :kappa: Q: What are you afraid of?

About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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