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About pimpmyname

  • Birthday 04/13/1999

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    Planes, specialist in filezilla setup of servers.

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  1. Happy birthday buddy :D


  2. Congraz Bimbo! :kermit::) 

  3. Happy birthday bhoper ;)

  4. Happy B-Day pimp ;)

  5. :partypopper:Happy B-D:partypopper: my pimp ;)

  6. Happy Birthday :balloon:

  7. Happy B-day ! :partypopper:

  8. Happy b-day da pimp :kermit:

  9. happy birthday :)

  10. Nothing to be worried about, mg,zm,ze etc forces you to use 66 tickrate, cl_cmdrate 66, cl_updaterate 66 and rate 66000, on csfrag servers (except bhop, runs 100 tick)
  11. Do you experience lag or high ping? This tutorial should help you fixing it. (The Advanced Way) As many people might know, Microsoft is constantly sending a lot of data from our PC. This really ruins our privacy, and use a lot of traffic. This could be such as Windows Update, Telemetry services like Bing.com search engine, msn.com, akamaitechnologies.com, nsatc.com, microsoft edge, internet explorer... There is many "spying" services.... You can actually block most of the services by using a file only. BEWARE! This CAN block your login live mail, windows update, msn.com, bing.com services, do NOT use this file if you use some of the services, unless you unblock them on your own. Download the program which prevents spying services here: https://www.mediafire.com/?z1q5374qa22q2jr How do i "install" this? Simple navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open hosts as a notepad, make sure you have notepad++, that program allowes you to have access to the file. So yea, copy my hosts file and paste it in there.... And after restart your pc. Im not responsible of any damage that MAYBE can cause to your pc, but i will be glad to help you out.(The damage can only be that you wont get access to live.com etc....) (The other Advanced Way) Install Wireshark(https://www.wireshark.org/download.html) this program analyzes your Traffic on your PC. By using this, make sure you restart your pc and open wireshark as quick as possible. When you are capturing traffic, make an little notepad of example( settings-win.data.microsoft.com) and copy that and paste in the hosts file. If you want some help with this, dont hesitate to contact me (The Nooby Way) Go to start, type msconfig, go to services and select "hide all microsoft services". When you have done that, disable the services you dont need to boot up. After that, go to start and select unneeded start up programs. Now open up start again and write services.msc, scroll down and find windows update and mark it as "disabled", when you want to search for updates, make sure you enable it again. Windows Update really makes your network lag a lot, so make sure its disabled Ping explained short. Ping really depends on your location. The more far away you are from the Paris(France) server, the higher ping you will get.. if you open up cmd and type ping www.google.fr you will differently see a difference if you do it on your local google server. What might can cause high ping: Make sure your network isnt affected by any viruses, like zombie computers(slaves) used to be done illegal activities etc... And also make sure your wireless connection has a password(make sure its WPA2). You can also see who is using your WIFI or your connection by logging onto your router. LINK If you got a password on your router, check at the back of your router, there should be a password on it. Another thing can also be streaming services, also make sure you dont have any laggy thing open, like steam downloads etc... Lowering your ping tutorials on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxKIRjX0cr4 Helpful for understanding ping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aowuBUIX4Wk Hope this other tutorial could help you. Feel free to contact me Regards Pimp
  12. Whats so bad about ccleaner? Explain please

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EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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