Sad so Surf is closing but from the other hand it`s a good idea because it is dead from half a year and no one enjoys playing there with 2-3 people so I totally agree with closing it and making place for new servers and game modes. I remember when I had nearly 2000 LV every map my score was smth like 100-200 kills and 1-5 deaths getting nearly 2000 pts a day then we were playing 7-8 people per team that was really funny and amazing ! Also, I remember when I was getting up to level up faster because of the reset #Blame @Calig good old times ! I met some good people there like h1dden,Daffy Duck,yassin,brian,Parly,MHR @VaNsTeR and more and more funny people ! Sad but yeah it`s time to go on and make new friends and new good experiences ! By the way @Calig usually forgets about the resets and they come 2-3 days and even weeks later !
Thank you all good people and (@Calig und @VaNsTeR)