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About focus.

  • Birthday 02/18/2001

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    Only God can judge me !

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  1. Happy Birthday buddy! :)

  2. Happy B'Day! :partypopper::partypopper:

    1. focus.


      Thank you Calig I hope you will comeback soon!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    1. focus.


      Thank you Neon old nickname ?

    2. N3ON47


      Well it is old but I just recently joined the community :kermit:


  4. Happy Birthday Focus.

    1. focus.


      Thank you Saxi ;) #noobadmin :D

  5. Chestit rojden den :D!

    1. focus.


      Mersi Demon ;) #admin4e

  6. Sad so Surf is closing but from the other hand it`s a good idea because it is dead from half a year and no one enjoys playing there with 2-3 people so I totally agree with closing it and making place for new servers and game modes. I remember when I had nearly 2000 LV every map my score was smth like 100-200 kills and 1-5 deaths getting nearly 2000 pts a day then we were playing 7-8 people per team that was really funny and amazing ! Also, I remember when I was getting up to level up faster because of the reset #Blame @Calig good old times ! I met some good people there like h1dden,Daffy Duck,yassin,brian,Parly,MHR @VaNsTeR and more and more funny people ! Sad but yeah it`s time to go on and make new friends and new good experiences ! By the way @Calig usually forgets about the resets and they come 2-3 days and even weeks later ! Thank you all good people and (@Calig und @VaNsTeR) -focus.
  7. I think the best time to restart the servers is either 1st of January or 1 st of December thank you for your time !
  8. Yeah they are pretty good for gaming and they have wireless option as well ! @abody
  9. I did the same ones and broke my previous Headset but now I am with Beats Headset amen I can easily replace the cable with the other one because they come with two.
  10. Nope I am bigger level than you in Steam as well
  11. What the hell all these FPS Boosters fuck everything up just reinstall your Counter-Strike Source and stop adding files just don't do anything like that anymore ! Also don't use all these commands if they are not really important because they decrease your FPS ! Now let let me help you with your spray so make your own folder named Sprays for instance or then put it in CS source page then make sure so that all your sprays are either PNG or VTF (Valve Text Format) every transparent l,gif,bmp, etc . You have to convert them into VTF with photoshop for instance and make sure so your size is less then 5 MB as well and that is it from me I hope I helped you !

About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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