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About M10M

  • Birthday 06/03/2000

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  1. Thx but u know i only do on ps4 games not in pc cuz my pc is bad and i only play css the only game that works
  2. Hi guys How are you today and i wanna talk about youtube today and actually my youtube channel so my youtube channel is not growing so well but i have about 19 subs and i post videos so what i need from you is can u subscribe to me so i can sub back to you oh btw link your youtube channel so i can sub but please guys sub to my channel if u can Thank you for the support https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtB873DZl8-qnLXyPlVF4DA my youtube channel
  3. Congraz for B'day :)

    1. M10M


      Thank you for the bd wish

  4. Happpy happy Birthday ;)

    1. M10M


      Yo u remmeberd my bd wow even my family didn't remmber it thx btw brotha

  5. WOW so freaking cool never knew it
  6. wait hold on a sec did u said radio so its not u who put these songs in the server
  7. Yo i like this song Too
  8. So hi guys i created this fourm just to request dj song that can be added to the servers here is my list Gioni Trigger: My favorite one Alan walker fade Dubstep oh shit i actually forget the rest any way i only need goini trigger if u could add it please bye have a nice day

About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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