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About Arcan

  • Birthday 09/03/2001

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  • Interests
    Dogs , monkeys , animals in general :*

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Arcan's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  • Week One Done Rare
  • One Month Later Rare
  • One Year In Rare

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  1. Happy Birthday! :balloon:

  2. Happy B'Day! :kermit::) 

  3. Happy birthday person that I nerver talked with much :)) !!!

    1. Ismail lilou

      Ismail lilou

       i hope that we will become a friends in game later


  4. hi arcan my fren :)

  5. Happy Birthday.

  6. Happy Birthday!

  7. In my mind are torture movies <3

  8. 2 oranges and 1 bunana between them

  9. Potatos, Bananas , Lennys , and .. Fuck this

About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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