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About Soutie

  • Birthday 02/07/2004

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  1. Happy New Year my lovely and beautiful friends!~

  2. Marry Crustmas

  3. Hellllooo people!~ Long time no see~.

  4. Didn't notice that i've been in this community for a year, nice.

    1. Calig


      Time flies fast :HYPERS:

  5. Just got into a relationship with another dude

    1. Calig


      Oh! Congraz to you!! :)

    2. Soutie
  6. happy bday!❤️🎉🎉🎂

  7. Happy birthday! :pepeD:

  8. No idea what i'm doing with my life right now.

  9. Are you guys hyped for the giveaway? Cause i am.

  10. I got a compliment from Yato about how i match "cat ears" with the member skin in ZM looks cute, thanks Yato, you made my day.

  11. Just watched Helluva Boss ep 7, the ending hits so hard and relatable.

  12. Today is a really odd day for me, i feel very tired in the morning, feels like i'm having a fever dream and also high at the same time.

  13. Why the hell does Asian people care about math so much, like i know i'm Half Asian but like, i'm shit at math.

    1. Abyss


      Idk search it hahahahahahahha

  14. Can't find a Therapist that can speak English here, continue waiting until i get my 2nd vaccine dose so i can return back to Singapore.

  15. Received a scam call, i answer the phone and say "Hi this is Dominos what can i get for you" and then they hung up.

About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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