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  • 3rd Anniversary - Events Schedule Announcements



    We are proud to announce that we are having our 3rd Anniversary, which means that our community is turning 3 years!!

    As usually, we always try to come up with the most unique events we can possibly organize, and this time there are

    some old borrowed, also something totally different and new! Also this time we decided to host events

    for CS:GO (DDR & Paintball) and ofc for CS:S (Rally Race, Zombie Escape & Battle Royale). 


    During the Anniversary, everyone will have free VIP from 7th of September till 16th.

    Down below you can see what we have planned for this year anniversary. All events are hosted at

    6 PM (GMT +3). Rewards and winners will be given/announced at the last day of the anniversary.

    Hopefully seeing many of you as possible at the events. Don't forget to invite your friends!




    - Walk to DJ to 'request' a song and start a match (a menu will pop up). After song has been picked, go stand on solo platform.

    - During the match microphones will be automatically disabled.

    - Server also includes other songs and more difficulties you can play for fun and challenge your friends.

    - It's recommended to bind your movement keys to your arrow keys. To do so, put this in the console:

    bind leftarrow +moveleft; bind downarrow +back; bind rightarrow +moveright; bind uparrow +forward

    - Score to beat on 'Ellie Goulding - Outside' on Insane+ difficulty: 35030 (Perfect: 251 | Good: 481 | Miss: 8 | Bad: 36 | Life left : 100 | Max Combo: 199)

    *NEW REWARD* At the end of the event, player with highest level (total score) will be given 1 Month of VIP (use !top in-game)










    Edited by Calig

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About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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