CS:S Surf Servers
Even though we haven’t posted anything in a while, that doesn’t mean nothing has been happening behind the scenes. We’re excited to share some great news: we’ve launched new CS:S surf servers! Some of you might have already noticed them.
Our first CS:S surf server was launched in June 29th 2024. The server has gained a lot of attention and attracted many regular players. Encouraged by this positive reception, we’ve now launched more servers for those looking for a greater challenge: Surf Experienced Tier 3-4 and Surf Expert Tier 5+. We’ve also decided to open a new Surf Beginner server with a tickrate of 66. Challenging and higher tier servers of tickrate 66 will be opened upon demand.
That said, we’re aware there are still some maps with too low max velocity on tier 1-2 maps, and we’re constantly fixing them. Similar issues also occurs on tier 3 and higher maps. We appreciate everyone who has already reported bugs to us – your help means a lot! If you notice any issues with maps, feel free to report them directly to me or share them on our Discord server in the #css-surf channel. We’re also working on a new !report feature, which will allow you to submit bug reports more easily in the future.
We will be soon having web-stats for surf server as we currently have for bhop (bhop.eufrag.com). Currently there is no estimated time when it will be finished.
I also want to give a big shout-out for bhopppp aka. Kiki aka. GenShinEnjoyer8267 for his effort in sharing the surf timer publicly for everyone to use. Any feedback and ideas for improvements are always welcome!
Happy Surfing!
Server Difficulty Tickrate Airaccelerate IP Address Connect Surf Beginner Tier 1-2 100 1000 Join Server Surf Experienced Tier 3-4 100 1000 Join Server Surf Expert Tier 5+ 100 1000 Join Server Surf Beginner Tier 1-2 66 150 Join Server Surf Experienced Tier 3-4 66 150 Surf Expert Tier 5+ 66 150