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Timer commands


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Style commands
  • !style - Change your style.
  • !au - Autobhop
  • !n - Normal
  • !le - Legit
  • !lg - LowGravity
  • !sw - SideWays
  • !hsw - Half-Side-Ways
  • !w - W-Only
  • !d - D-Only
  • !a - A-Only
  • !bw - Backwards
  • !u- Unreal
  • !tas - Tool Assisted Speedrun

Timer commands

  • !rank - Shows your rank. 
  • !ranks - Show list of attainable chat ranks
  • !r - Teleports you to the starting zone
  • !b - Teleports you to the bonus area
  • !end - Teleports your to the end zone
  • !wr - Show the world records
  • !bwr - Shows the Bonus world records. 
  • !mapsdone - Show maps done for Main timer on Auto Bhop style.
  • !mapsleft - Show maps left for Main timer on Auto Bhop style.
  • !time - Shows information about the specified player's time. 
  • !tier - Shows you the tier of the specified map. 

Useful commands

  • !hide - Toggles hide on other players.
  • !spec - Be a spectator
  • !specs - Shows who is spectating you.
  • !stats Shows the stats of a specified player
  • !keys - Toggles showing pressed keys
  • !noclipme - Puts you in noclip. Stops your timer.
  • !top - Shows the list of top players. 
  • !overtake - Shows records you have lost recently.
  • !rr - Shows recent records
  • !stuck - Unstuck yourself
  • !tpto - Teleports you to a player. 
  • !topwr - Shows the rankings of players ordered by how many records they have. 
All Commands
sm_b - Teleports you to the bonus zone 
sm_bmode - Change your bonus style. 
sm_bonus - Teleports you to the bonus zone 
sm_br - Teleports you to the bonus zone 
sm_bstyle - Change your bonus style. 
sm_bwr - Shows the Bonus world records. 
sm_bwrtas - Shows the Bonus TAS world records. 
sm_cchelp - Tutorial on how to use the custom chat features. 
sm_ccmsg - Change your message color. 
sm_ccname - Change your custom chat name. 
sm_cctag - Change your clan tag 
sm_chatrank - Change your preferred chat rank.
sm_checkpoint - Opens the checkpoint menu. 
sm_commands - Shows the timer commands. 
sm_cp - Opens the checkpoint menu. 
sm_end - Teleports your to the end zone 
sm_endb - Teleports you to the bonus end zone 
sm_fast - Sets your speed to fast (2.0) 
sm_fps - Shows a list of every player's fps_max value. 
sm_hide - Toggles hide 
sm_hidechat - Hides all chat 
sm_keys - Shows the targeted player's movement keys on screen. 
sm_lastsaved - Teleports you to your last saved checkpoint. 
sm_lastused - Teleports you to your last saved checkpoint. 
sm_mapsdone - Shows the maps done of a specified player. 
sm_mapsleft - Shows a player's maps left. 
sm_maptime - Shows how long the current map has been on. 
sm_mc - Shows the most competitive maps. 
sm_nc - Puts you in noclip. Stops your timer. 
sm_mode - Change your style. 
sm_noclipme - Puts you in noclip. Stops your timer. 
sm_normalspeed - Sets your speed to normal speed. 
sm_overtake - Shows records you have lost recently. 
sm_p - Puts you in noclip. Stops your timer. 
sm_pad - Shows the targeted player's movement keys on screen. 
sm_pause - Pauses your timer and freezes you. 
sm_practice - Puts you in noclip. Stops your timer. 
sm_ranks - Show list of attainable chat ranks. 
sm_r - Teleports you to your last starting zone 
sm_rank - Shows your rank. 
sm_recalcall - Recalculates all map points. 
sm_recalcmap - Recalculate a map's points manually. 
sm_recalcoverall - Recalculates overall points. 
sm_restart - Teleports you to your last starting zone 
sm_resume - Unpauses your timer and unfreezes you. 
sm_rr - Shows recent records. 
sm_save - Saves a new checkpoint. 
sm_search - Search the command list for the given string of text. 
sm_setspeed - Changes your speed to the specified value. 
sm_settier - Set the map tier 
sm_showkeys - Shows the targeted player's movement keys on screen. 
sm_slow - Sets your speed to slow (0.5) 
sm_spec - Be a spectator 
sm_specinfo - Shows who is spectating you. 
sm_speclist - Shows who is spectating you. 
sm_specs - Shows who is spectating you. 
sm_spectate - Be a spectator 
sm_speed - Changes your speed to the specified value. 
sm_spectators - Shows who is spectating you. 
sm_start - Teleports you to the main start zone. 
sm_stats - Shows the stats of a specified player. 
sm_stop - Stops your timer. 
sm_stuck - Unstuck yourself 
sm_style - Change your style. 
sm_styles - Change your style. 
sm_tele - Teleports you to the specified checkpoint. 
sm_teleport - Teleports you to a player. 
sm_thelp - Shows the timer commands. 
sm_tier - Shows you the tier of the specified map. 
sm_time - Shows information about the specified player's time. 
sm_topwr - Shows the rankings of players ordered by how many records they have. 
sm_top - Shows the list of top players. 
sm_tp - Teleports you to the specified checkpoint. 
sm_tpto - Teleports you to a player. 
sm_truevel - Toggles between 2D and 3D velocity velocity meters. 
sm_unhide - Toggles hide 
sm_unpause - Unpauses your timer and unfreezes you. 
sm_velocity - Toggles between 2D and 3D velocity velocity meters. 
sm_wrtas - Shows the TAS world records. 
sm_wr - Show the world records. 
sm_wrtop - Shows the rankings of players ordered by how many records they have.
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EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

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