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Updates - June 1st 2022

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Updates of June 1st 2022


Wow! It's been a really long time since we last posted server updates here on the forums.

We never stopped updating the servers though! These updates applies to both CS:S Bunnyhop and CS:S Zombie Revival servers and in-game Store.




Style Ranking Multipliers

Chat rank system has been reverted back to how it was in the server in 2016. You can change your chat-rank display using command !chatrank.

View chat-ranks from its own topic HERE. Ranking system is made to focus on completions done on auto-bhop style,

and we have accidentally ignored ranking multiplier on few specific styles. To balance the system and make the focus back to auto-bhop style,

we will correct the styles ranking multipliers as follows: (This will be done at some point during June)


HgoRPAL.pngNew Features

!wrsj - View global world records from Sourcejump's API
!sjwr - View global world records from Sourcejump's API



Backwards, Low Gravity- & Sideways Segmented, Autostrafe
Styles are currently unranked. They will be added to ranked in near future.


Long Jump

!lj, !ljstats - Enable LJ-Mode (You must be in !legit style to be able use ljstats)

!ljtop - View LJ top records

!ljwr - View LJ top records


!speedometer - Dispaly your speed in center screen.

!newmaps - We keep adding new maps actively.

!paint - Allows you to paint on walls.



We recently got connected to Sourcejump community,

which means our server records are now connected with their global bhop records.
Sourcejump is global bunnyhopping community in Counter-Strike: Source.

Visit their website https://sourcejump.net.



Zombie Revival

Re-worked selection of Zombie and Human models.

Public Classes


Zombie Classes

RdYo46q.png  JSy7gl0.png  TbdguRd.png  SCsJnrr.png 


Human Classes


0Q6WN5V.png  IbakQy2.png


Store Exclusive


Zombie Classes

YXPtznz.png  oTDWzer.png  CG3jKgP.png



VIP Exclusive


Zombie Classes


hABYfts.png  LONRN8o.png  aWT9iJ1.png  gAAZ39P.png


Human Classes


jpOi6X0.png  8kxdNYO.png  BOzP1iB.png  Ub9uN7o.png

wXGP85b.png  6DDYZlv.png  oNNwgpw.png



New maps

zm_an_canals_classic_ef  *EUFrag Exclusive only*

zm_eaglecity_fourside_ef_v1  *EUFrag Exclusive only*















Store Update


We have updated the policy of earning store credits in-game.

Earning store credits is still based on your activity on the server.


Regular Players = 2 credits in 5 minutes

Members = 3 credits in 5 minutes

VIPs = 4 credits in 5 minutes


To get member role in-game use our Clan tag "EUFrag" or put [eF] in your in-game name to recieve member perks + extra credits.
You may also register here on the forums to get your membership role cross the servers.


Daily Credits

Visit the server daily to earn free daily credits! Use in-game command !daily.

Keeping your daily strike gives you more credits each day as follows:

Day 1 = 5 Credits      |   Credits you earn on first day (start challange)
Day 2 = 8 Credits      |   Credits you earn on second day in row
Day 3 = 11 Credits    |   Credits you earn on third day in row
Day 4 = 14 Credits    |   Credits you earn on fourth day in row
Day 5 = 17 Credits    |   Credits you earn on fifth day in row
Day 6 = 20 Credits    |   Credits you earn on sixth day in row
Day 7 = 25 Credits    |   Credits you earn on seventh/last day (end challange)


New & Removed/Replaced Items

Total of 25 new hats, 6 new masks and 6 new wings has been added to the store. We have also removed/replaced some items from the store,

and the credits has been fully refunded to their owners today 1.6.2022.


Removed Items: KFCBuket, Santahat, Partyhat, Seusshat

Replaced With New Model: Sombrero, Viking Helmet, Antlers, Top Hat


Weapon paintball bullets: Black, Blue, Cyan, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, Violet, White & Yellow

Mixed colors: Cyan & Green, Orange & Yellow, Black & White, Black & Yellow, Blue & Violet, Random

Zombie Classes: Now available to purchase from store: Hunter, Spitter and Witch.

Laser sights: In multiple colors (specified above)

Trackers: New color Random

Trails: Fire lines, Laser Trails, Swirl trails, all in multiple colors.

New "Image" Trails: Smoke, Rainbow 2, Poggers, Nyan Cat, Kappa, KEKW, Colorfade, Australium and Member exclusive EUFrag Trail.


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About Us

EUFrag was founded in 2013. These days it's ran by Calig and Tariq. We offer variety different type of servers on multiple games for everyone to enjoy and make friends.

Calig Tariq

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